Drafting, painting and drawing are an important component of Richard’s artistic estate.   See his works

His first individual show at the Young Artists Salon of the University of Warsaw consisted exclusively of paintings.

This is what the critic Bozena Kowalska wrote about it in Kultura, “Ryszard Wojciechowski presented works that were incomparably more mindful—without sacrificing liveliness. These moderately sized oils, pastels and gouaches, ranging in subject from fantasy scenes to seemingly ordinary landscapes, intrigue with an extraordinarily mature palette, consummate and intense. There is power in his painting, there is a certainty of the artistic path to follow, qualities amazing in a young artist. His tiny oils, full of dynamic tension, present a matter that’s tumultuous and glittering, almost phosphorescent, with hues of precious stones…”

Drafts and studies for sculptures were an inseparable part of his artistic creation, were part of his method. “Ryszard Wojciechowski begins his sculptural work with an emotional drawing; he’s a drawing sculptor.” [Prof. W. Miller]

Ryszard Wojciechowski’s SKETCHBOOK containing his drawings and designs until 1984 is currently at the National Museum in Frombork.

During his émigré period drawing became much more common for him; in this way he could express his emotions with greater immediacy and ease. He executed a series of portraits of famous people in pencil and in charcoal. In the final period of his life he created a number of fascinating paintings.
W pracowni
Ryszard Wojciechowski - at painting - Italy, 1988
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